Cervical Screening During The COVID-19 Pandemic

Initial guidance as of 06.04.20 – subject to review and possible change.

If possible, sample taking services should aim to sustain a normal cervical screening service. If this is not possible, appointments will be re-scheduled rather than cancelled. Routine smears can be deferred for 6 months. Those on ‘early repeat smear’ following treatment can be deferred for three months.

Cervical screening is not a test for cancer. It looks for the presence of HPV. HPV can cause abnormal cells on the cervix which could develop into cervical cancer over time (10+ years).  Delaying a routine screening test for a short time is highly unlikely to affect most individual outcomes.

Symptomatic patients (bleeding between periods, during or after sex, after the menopause or changes to vaginal discharge) must be assessed clinically and referred urgently. Please complete e-consult or book a telephone consultation so that we may arrange a suitable time to be seen.

If in doubt about any aspect of the screening service, please contact the practice.